Tutorial MUD, part 4: Mainloop and signals

We are starting to get the groundwork of our server in place, there are just a couple of things left to do. The first thing is to create a loop that will keep the server running. The second thing is to handle signals such as a user pressing CTRL-C in the console where the program …

Tutorial MUD, part 2: Logging

In this second part of making a simple MUD, we will try to add simple logging to our server. Logging is used to output information from the server, that can be read by an administrator in case of some problem. This part continues where part 1 left of, and you can find the complete code …

Tutorial MUD, part 1.5: Makefile dependencies

While working on part 2, I noticed that I had forgotten one thing in part 1: Object file dependencies. Each object file compiled by the Makefile depends on its source file of course, but most of the time of one or more header files as well. So when a header file is changed, all object …