Tutorial MUD, part 1.5: Makefile dependencies

While working on part 2, I noticed that I had forgotten one thing in part 1: Object file dependencies. Each object file compiled by the Makefile depends on its source file of course, but most of the time of one or more header files as well. So when a header file is changed, all object …

Tutorial MUD, part 0

I don’t know how many people still makes MUD servers, or want to make their own MUD server, but I’m guessing it must be more than me. Some of those people might want to make a   server, but just don’t know how. Don’t worry, in this series I will create a simple MUD server …

Re-started on The Raven

Today I re-started on one of my MUD server projects: The Raven is being developed again. As usual, I’m of course starting totally from scratch, or at least just about. I am reusing my automake/autoconf configuration. I am also looking at the upcoming Boost::log library, since I haven’t been too happy about the other existing …