The future of TutorialMUD

It's been some time since I last posted anything regarding TutorialMUD.

Don't worry, I haven't given up on it, and I still want to finish it. There will however still be some time until next post, as I'm thinking about the best way to continue with the series.

I'm thinking about the format of the series, maybe have posts with less code and more explanations about the actual code in the GIT repository instead. I'm also thinking about ways to lessen the number of networking posts. Networking is really central and important to a networked game, and as such is a large chunk of the code base. But as this is not a networking tutorial it might not be necessary to go into the gritty details too much, and instead continue to the actual MUD specific code. The same goes for basically all the other parts of the server as well, with me thinking that it's better to show how all pieces fit together than go into the details of every subsystem.

I don't know how many follow this, but I welcome all feedback I can get.

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  1. I've been reading MUD Game Programming by Ron Penton lately. It explains everything in detail, even history about networks. Which might be a little too deep. And the book is old and outdated (2003), so the actual game that comes with the CD does not work (it uses C++ and python (old version)). But it's great to learn the subsystems etc. But I believe he writes too complex code (uses templates maybe too much and classes where as a function could just do the job).

    I think it's nice if you just comment the code in the git repo then explain a little extra here. (Or something like that.)

    For those interested in networking basics:

    So I'd go all out on explaining how it all fits together and other essential things just to get a MUD up and running.

    I'll definitely keep following this tutorial while experimenting on my own too using the book I mentioned above. So far I'm just trying to get the network, thread and basic libraries to compile and improve on them.

    One thing I'd love to see is having all languages work in it, maybe that requires no change but. for example (Japanese): 日本語で書きたい I want to be able to input to the server, and see as output from the server. I have no idea what is required as change, but I read wchar_t is not the solution, because size of it can change depending on system. Maybe just use byte comparisons etc?

  2. Hello,

    Just recently stumbled across this tutorial and found it very informative. I hope to see this tutorial continue on in the future!

    Thank you very much,
    — TJ

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